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  • Archive for March, 2006

    Group charges libraries filtered out Web site (St. Louis Post-Dispatch)

    17th March 2006

    The Council of Conservative Citizens, a nationwide group that has been portrayed as racist, is suing four libraries in the St. Louis area for allegedly blocking patrons from viewing its Web site.

    The Digital Underground: Interview with RinCe

    17th March 2006

    This is Part TWO of a series of write-ups focusing on the recent threat to E-Commerce systems via potential IM (Instant Messaging) attack vectors and more besides, by way of a remotely installed administration tool and custom-built script, designed to find vulnerabilities in third-party payment syst

    Groups list ‘good’ shows for TiVo filter (The Columbus Dispatch)

    17th March 2006

    TV watchdogs are jumping on the bandwagon of a new parental-control package that promises to help parents separate “good” programs from the rest.

    Parental control (Northwest Herald)

    17th March 2006

    In interviews with a job candidate last year, Deborah D’Attilio, a recruiting manager in San Fran-cisco for Enterprise Rent-A-Car, was surprised when the young wo-man brought a companion: Her dad.

    Internet Transforming China’s Economy, Society, Experts Say (U.S. State Department)

    16th March 2006

    From online business services to blogs and instant messaging, the Internet is transforming the way information is shared in China. However, the Chinese government’s ability to block access to certain Web sites and its efforts to monitor users have raised issues of censorship and freedom of speech.

    Local News (Midland Daily News)

    16th March 2006

    School and law enforcement officials say there is little danger from a Meridian High School student who had a notebook filled with explosives recipes.

    TV Watch Available to Discuss $3.5 Million Government Fines for TV Shows (Christian News Wire)

    16th March 2006

    TV Watch is the leading voice to promote parental control tools and information for TV as a better alternative to increased government control of TV.

    Can TiVo know what kids need? (

    15th March 2006

    Television watchdogs of all stripes are jumping on the bandwagon of a new parental control package that promises to help parents separate “good” programs from all the rest.

    Instant Messaging E-Commerce Exploits- Judgement Day

    15th March 2006

    Just when you thought it was safe to back into the waters the world of IM just become far more malicious than ever. An attack that can even occur from a trusted source. Beware- clicking that link can open up Pandora’s box. SpywareGuide articles are sponsored by FaceTime Communications, providing so

    Ticker (The Plain Dealer)

    14th March 2006

    New parental-control feature coming soon Thanks to digital video recorders, a new generation of children will grow up accustomed to getting television when they want it. Now, TiVo Inc. is making it easier for parents to make sure at least some of those shows are educational.

    Greynets: Instant Messenger Opens Gates to Hidden Spyware

    14th March 2006

    No part of the Internet is truly safe and one part of the Internet that frequently gets neglected in defense is instant messenging. This special report covers a potent Greynet threat that takes advantage of user’s lax defenses and sense of trust when it comes to guarding their IM tr

    Future Blog Fragment

    14th March 2006

    If we had the chance to read a blogger fragment from the future what might it say? What might it teach us about our behavior today? SpywareGuide articles are sponsored by FaceTime Communications, providing solutions for securing and controlling IM, P2P and Spyware Greynets.

    Better Living through Encryption

    14th March 2006

    The best protection against your adversary (boss, spouse or criminal) finding incriminating evidence against you left behind on a hard disk, is make sure they do not have access to it. SpywareGuide articles are sponsored by FaceTime Communications, providing solutions for securing and controlling I

    EULA Dissection- What to Look For in a EULA

    14th March 2006

    What’s in a EULA also known as an End User License Agreement.
    We take one apart for you. Before you download that software or must have digital trinket READ THE FINE PRINT. SpywareGuide articles are sponsored by FaceTime Communications, providing solutions for securing and controlling IM, P2P and

    180 Solutions Code of Conduct- Can They Make it Work?

    14th March 2006

    Recently 180solutions, an adware company struggling with getting their rogue affiliates under control, took the time to share with us their Code of Conduct for distributors. The question looming on everyone’s mind is can 180solutions reign in their rogue distributors and enforce their terms against

    Code of Conduct and Adware Guidelines

    14th March 2006

    The three leading network providers and other industry leaders meet to create a code of conduct with the purpose of enforcing ethical behavior among adware software vendors. SpywareGuide articles are sponsored by FaceTime Communications, providing solutions for securing and controlling IM, P2P and

    Book: Cleaning Windows XP for Dummies

    14th March 2006

    Are you completely new to the world of XP? Try this book on how to manage, tweak, fix and get your hands around the XP operating system. Well written to acquaint the novice user with intermediate XP concepts. SpywareGuide articles are sponsored by FaceTime Communications, providing solutions for se

    Country Code Extensions Look-up

    14th March 2006

    TiVo to Offer KidZone Feature (ABC News)

    13th March 2006

    TiVo Inc. to Offer Parental-Control KidZone Feature by Midyear

    TiVo Inc. to Offer Parental-Control KidZone Feature by Midyear (Money Sense)

    13th March 2006

    Thanks to digital video recorders, a new generation of children will grow up accustomed to getting television when they want it. Now, TiVo Inc. is making it easier for parents to make sure at least some of those shows are educational.

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    Note: The information in this page has been compiled and retrieved from publicly available sources. Any errors or missing information will be rectified as soon as advised. We are not responsible for the content of this Publisher's and User Review's Description. We encourage you to determine whether this product or your intended use is legal. We do not encourage or condone the use of any software in violation of applicable laws. Pricing information is as accurate as of the time this report was written and is based on observed market selling prices and/or list prices. Actual selling prices may differ.